Latest News
  • Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe – during an energy crisis  and towards future climate neutrality
    Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe – during an energy crisis and towards future climate neutrality Hydrogen and regional energy infrastructure are significant for the European Green Deal and was focus of the SuperP2G research project (Synergies Utilising renewable Power Regionally by means of Power to Gas). Five national projects (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and […]read more
Latest Events
  • Workshop in Denmark
    Stakeholder involvement was an important part of the SuperP2G gas project. This was achieved through in-depth workshops with the respective national partners. Here you will find the final workshop of the Danish case, where the tools and final results were presented and discussed with practitioners. The presentations and the corresponding videos: 1 SuperP2G final workshop […]read more
  • Review on our SuperP2G Closing Conference on March 23rd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels
    „Synergies utilising renewable power regionally by means of Power-To-Gas” A big thank you to all the participants from our closing conference of our project! We really enjoyed the discussions and were happy that our new tool box for P2H and P2G modelling was met with so much interest. But even …read more
  • Review on the Evening Policy Talk  – March 22nd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels
    “The relevance of P2G and regional development in the energy crisis” On the 22nd of March, in conjunction with the Kick-off of the Project Hy2Market and SuperP2G, ERIG organised an evening policy talk on the topic of “The relevance of P2G and regional development in the energy crisis”. Our distinguished panel comprised of …read more
  • DTU professor Marie Münster receives IDA’s equality award
    Professor at DTU Management, PhD in Energy Systems Analysis, and researcher in modelling of green energy systems, Marie Münster, receives IDAs Agnes and Betzy Prize in 2021. Two of the great trends of the time – the green transformation of society and equality – form the focal point of Marie …read more
  • Experimental Volumetric Hydrogen Uptake Determination at 77 K of Commercially Available Metal-Organic Framework Materials
    Storage is still limiting the implementation of hydrogen as an energy carrier to integrate the intermittent operation of renewable energy sources. Among different solutions to the currently used compressed or liquified hydrogen systems, physical adsorption at cryogenic temperature in porous materials is an attractive alternative due to its fast and …read more
  • ERIG is hosting a EU Green Week partner Event
    This EU Green Week partner event will argue for the vital role of gas in the European Green Deal. Underlined with the contributions from current projects, the goal is to have a fruitful discussion with the participants of the event. The participator will get a comprehensive introduction to a full-fledged approach …read more
  • Evening Policy Talk  – March 22nd 2023 at Thon Hotel in Brussels
    “The relevance of P2G and regional development in the energy crisis” Hydrogen has a central role in the implementation of the European Green Deal. This is manifested in the EU Hydrogen Strategy and further underlined in the ambition for renewable hydrogen in RePower EU and many other actions.The conflict in …read more
  • SuperP2G-Closing Conference on March 23rd 2023 in Brussels
    „Synergies utilising renewable power regionally by means of Power-To-Gas” SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries, ensuring joint learning. Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. SuperP2G focuses on improving existing evaluation tools including open access, as well as …read more
  • EGATEC2022 – European Gas Technology Conference 2022
    Event on June 14-15th 2022 in Hamburg We are happy to announce that the 5th European Gas Technolgy Conference, EGATEC2022, organised by MARCOGAZ and GERG and hosted by DVGW with the support of ERIG, takes place in Hamburg, Germany. The event brings together high-level representatives from the European gas industry …read more
  • JPP SES Conference
    Join the JPP SES conference on strategic actions to implement Energy Systems Integration at European level and beyond! On 24 November, SuperP2G, among many other research projects, participate and present their latest research results. You will gain insights on recent results of transnational research, development and demonstration from not only the SuperP2G …read more
  • SuperP2G at the European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days
    Within the “European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days”, a partner event of the DVGW at gat | wat 2021 organised by ERIG, SuperP2G is hosting a whole day focusing on P2G in the regional contect. Register now to participate! ERIG is organizing an online partner event “European Gas and Energy …read more
  • Kick-off meeting SuperP2G
    The SuperP2G has ben launched! The project targets crucial aspects to lower the threshold for need-owners to validate and put P2G to practice On 11 November the first kick-off meeting of the SuperP2G project took place in Leipzig, Germany. All participants of the project joined together to discuss goals, objectives …read more