„Synergies utilising renewable power regionally by means of Power-To-Gas”
A big thank you to all the participants from our closing conference of our project! We really enjoyed the discussions and were happy that our new tool box for P2H and P2G modelling was met with so much interest.
But even though it is coming to an end, the project is not over yet. Stay tuned for more information concerning the GitHub repositories for the tools that will be shared soon on LinkedIn:
Also make sure to have a look at our latest publications https://superp2g.eu/press/ and the SP2G web tool box https://superp2g.external.dbi-gruppe.de/.

Thank you also to ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems and all the partners that were involved from Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz, the Technical University of Denmark, the Engler-Bunte-Institute, the DBI-Group, the National Research Council of Italy, the University of Bologna, the University of Groningen as well as all their national stakeholder that made this project possible.
We are looking forward to the future results from the models that were developed throughout this project!