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A short overview of the project:

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Here you find the downloads of the national cases
The logos and websites of our project partners and the funding partners
About SP2G
SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries. Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. The main objective of SuperP2G is to lower the threshold for need-owners to validate and put P2G to practice for “Smart Energy Systems”, “Sectorial Integration” as well as “Local & Regional development”. The project, which was originally planned for three years (2019-2022), ended in March 2023 with the closing Conference.
Our great thanks to ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems and all the partners that were involved from Energieinstitut an der JKU Linz, the Technical University of Denmark, the Engler-Bunte-Institute, the DBI-Group, the National Research Council of Italy, the University of Bologna, the University of Groningen as well as all their national stakeholders that made this project possible.
We are looking forward to the future results from the models that were developed throughout this project!
SuperP2G project concluded with the closing conference in Brussels on 23rd of March 2023.
After more than three years of research and modelling, the team presented its final results during the closing conference in Brussels.
It tooks place as an hybrid event and participants had the choice to join us in on site in Brussels or participate remotely via a web link. The conference was devided into two sessions, where the morning session gave an overview and introduction on the unified SuperP2G toolbox that provides guidance to Power-to-Gas stakeholders at different grades of granularity, from European level evaluations to optimisation of plant operation, and all along the value chain.
In the afternoon, more detailed and specific results from each work package, in which the tools were tested and applied, were presented. There was plenty of room for discussions and questions and all results are public available on the SuperP2G website.
In conjunction with the closing conference, there also took place an Evening Policy Talk event on March 22nd 2023 under the topic of “The relevance of P2G and regional development in the energy crisis”. The team of SuperP2G contributed with insights to the issue of “Under which circumstances will renewable hydrogen outcompete natural gas”, which is a summarized reflection on their results with specific concern of the business case of Power-to-Gas in the light of the current fluctuations of the energy market triggered by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.