Energy Economics and Modelling (EEM)

Vision of the EEM Section EEM is one of the main groups for quantitative energy systems, regulation andmarket analysis in Europe and continues to contribute to the successful implementation of the energy transition. Implementation of the Vision: 1. Publishing in the best journals in the field (e.g. Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Nature Energy, Joule, The […]
SuperP2G – Synergies Utilising renewable Power REgionally by means of Power-To-Gas

The Project at a glance • SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries, ensuring joint learning. • Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. • SuperP2G focuses on improving existing evaluation tools including open access, as well as develop a new open tool. • […]
Analysis of Power-to-Gas plant configurations for different applications in the Italian framework

The increase of renewable power production and the need to reduce CO2 emissions stimulated the smart utilization of electricity for the conversion of CO2 into valuable feedstocks. Power-to-Gas (P2G) allows to convert and store renewable power into chemical energy (a gaseous fuel), thus favoring the interconnection between the electric and gas grids. There are many […]
Economic feasibility of green hydrogen in providing flexibility to medium-voltage distribution grids in the presence of local-heat systems

The recent strong increase in the penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) in medium-voltage distribution grids (MVDNs) has raised the need for congestion management in such grids, as they were not designed for this new condition. This paper examines to what extent producing green hydrogen through electrolyzers can profitably contribute to congestion alleviation in MVDNs […]
Economic Value of Power-to-Hydrogen Conversion System in Flexibility of Medium-Voltage Distribution Network (MV-DN)

This study analysed the potential role of P2G systems to solve congestion issues. The main conclusions from this research were: Electrolyzers are able to play positive role in reducing congestion in the MV-DV in case of receiving incentives. From system point of view, dynamic electricity prices as incentives have positive influence on improving net operation revenue. Developing of electrolyzer in medium-voltage distribution grid for […]
Spatial-economic analysis of low carbon hydrogen supply to the European market

This study analysed low carbon hydrogen supply alternatives to the European market. The key results were the following: Production of hydrogen using renewable electricity is most competitive in Morocco Production of hydrogen using renewable electricity is not competitive compared to SMR with CCS production For larger distances, transport as ammonia is most competitive for that […]
SuperP2G Factsheet

Factsheet SuperP2G
SuperP2G presentation at the European Web event

Presentation SuperP2G presentation