Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe – during an energy crisis and towards future climate neutrality

Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe – during an energy crisis and towards future climate neutrality Hydrogen and regional energy infrastructure are significant for the European Green Deal and was focus of the SuperP2G research project (Synergies Utilising renewable Power Regionally by means of Power to Gas). Five national projects (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, and […]
Articles in the Danish press about SuperP2G and our partners from Greenlab Skive

Besides scientific publications, results from our project partners like Greenlab Skive were also published in the Danish press. They will have Denmarks first commercial hydrogen pipe and implement many more new innovations. See the articles below to find out more! Brintinfrastruktur handler om meget mere end brint – Hydrogen infrastructure is about much more than […]
Skive gets Denmark’s first commercial hydrogen pipes in 2023

The scope of milestone 4 in WP2 is “to evaluate potential operation strategies and define an implementation plan and control specification for GLS”. GreenLab (GLS) has been a focus of the Danish Case in WP2 due to the two P2X projects that will be located at GreenLab Skive and the digitalization platform (MECO) being developed […]
Sector coupling concepts state of the art and perspectives

EtipSnet is issuing this White Paper on a transversal topic currently high in R&D and Innovation agendas across Europe and beyond. The purpose is to contribute to the debate with sound, unbiased information and future outlooks from experts spanning the wide and articulated knowledge base constituing the EtipSnet platform. As per definition of White Paper, […]
Optimal operation of the hydrogen-based energy management system with P2X demand response and ammonia plant

Hydrogen production is the key in utilizing an excess renewable energy. Many studies and projects looked at the energy management systems (EMSs) that allow to couple hydrogen production with renewable generation. In the majority of these studies, however, hydrogen demand is either produced for powering fuel cells or sold to the external hydrogen market. Hydrogen […]
Incorporating Optimal Operation Strategies into Investment Planning for Wind/Electrolyser System

As a conducive and prevalent technique for producing green hydrogen, hybrid wind-based electrolyser system requires both effective planning and operation to realize its techno-economic value. Majority of the existing studies are focused on either of these two, but none of them sufficiently emphasize on their interrelationship. In this paper, we propose a two-stage multi-objective optimization […]
Data-driven robust optimization for optimal scheduling of power to methanol

Power-to-Methanol is a newly emerging technology to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors. However, little research on its flexible and optimal operation has been proposed. In this paper, a grid-connected Power-to Methanol system is introduced, modelled, simulated and optimized for its daily operation by considering its participation in day-ahead electricity markets. The system builds on a real-life application […]
Data-driven scheme for optimal day-ahead operation of a wind hydrogen system under multiple uncertainties

Hydrogen is believed as a promising energy carrier that contributes to deep decarbonization, especially for the sectors hard to be directly electrified. A grid-connected wind/hydrogen system is a typical configuration for hydrogen production. For such a system, a critical barrier lies in the poor cost-competitive-ness of the produced hydrogen. Researchers have found that flexible operation […]
Optimal day-ahead dispatch of an alkaline electrolyser system

Green hydrogen is viewed as a promising energy carrier for sustainable development goals. However, it has suffered from high costs hindering its implementation. For a stakeholder who considers both renewable energy and electrolysis units, it is important to exploit the flexibility of such portfolios to maximize system operational revenues. To this end, an electrolyser model that can characterize […]
Potentials for transborder green gas and hydrogen certificate markets

This document describes the market situation for renewable gases and hydrogen relative to natural gas with the aim to identify and discuss future potentials for trade-in renewable gas and hydrogen certificates. The regional scope is Europe with a particular focus on the project countries in the 5 SuperP2G countries. The present situation with existing certificate […]