JPP SES Conference
Join the JPP SES conference on strategic actions to implement Energy Systems Integration at European level and beyond! On 24 November, SuperP2G, among many other research projects, participate and present their latest research results. You will gain insights on recent results of transnational research, development and demonstration from not only the SuperP2G project but also other projects […]
Optimal day-ahead dispatch of an alkaline electrolyser system
Green hydrogen is viewed as a promising energy carrier for sustainable development goals. However, it has suffered from high costs hindering its implementation. For a stakeholder who considers both renewable energy and electrolysis units, it is important to exploit the flexibility of such portfolios to maximize system operational revenues. To this end, an electrolyser model that can characterize […]
SuperP2G at the European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days
Within the “European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days”, a partner event of the DVGW at gat | wat 2021 organised by ERIG, SuperP2G is hosting a whole day focusing on P2G in the regional contect. Register now to participate! ERIG is organizing an online partner event “European Gas and Energy Research and Innovation Days” on […]
Potentials for transborder green gas and hydrogen certificate markets
This document describes the market situation for renewable gases and hydrogen relative to natural gas with the aim to identify and discuss future potentials for trade-in renewable gas and hydrogen certificates. The regional scope is Europe with a particular focus on the project countries in the 5 SuperP2G countries. The present situation with existing certificate […]
ERIG is hosting a EU Green Week partner Event
This EU Green Week partner event will argue for the vital role of gas in the European Green Deal. Underlined with the contributions from current projects, the goal is to have a fruitful discussion with the participants of the event. The participator will get a comprehensive introduction to a full-fledged approach with overarching principles and leading […]
Data collection and management – Product specifications
Report Data collection and management – Product specifications
Value of Power-to-Gas as a Flexibility Option in Integrated Electricity and Hydrogen Markets
Article Value of Power-to-Gas as a Flexibility Option in Integrated Electricity and Hydrogen Markets
Renewable gas and natural gas regulation
Report Renewable gas and natural gas regulation in Germany, Denmark, Austria, Italy, and Netherlands
SuperP2G in Smarte Energiesysteme
Magazine Smarte Energiesysteme
SuperP2G Factsheet
Factsheet SuperP2G